Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Minimizing The Pain Of Tattoos

No matter what you may hear, there really is no way to predict the amount of pain that you’ll experience when getting a tattoo. If you arrive with determination and the right frame of mind, it may not hurt you as much as you thought. On the other hand, if you arrive at the studio scared half to death – it will more than likely hurt you more than you thought possible.

Tattoos involve piercing into skin, which almost always involves pain. No matter how big or how small the tattoo may be or where it is located, you can expect to feel some pain. The overall amount of pain you experience though, all depends on your tolerance. If you have a high pain tolerance, you may feel next to nothing during the entire process.

When you get a tattoo, the needles will puncture your skin at very fast rates and variable depths. The outline of the tattoo is easily the most painful, as the needles will be used to create a black line that will stand out on the tattoo. This part need to be inserted fairly deeply and carefully to ensure that it’s done correctly. The shading of the tattoo normally isn’t painful, although it depends on the penetration depth and effect that you desire.

Normally, the pain you feel is a slight burn or scratching feeling. If the tattoo is going to be on an area where there is less bone and tissue such as the wrist or chest, the pain will be a bit more intense. Areas like the arms and legs however, normally aren’t that painful. Areas such as these have more tissue and muscle, which will lessen the amount of pain you feel.

Even though some pain is to be expected, there are ways that you can minimize the pain. Below are some tips that will help you deal with the pain.
1. Never show up to a get a tattoo on drugs or drunk. This will thin out your blood, causing you to bleed more.
2. Always choose a tattoo artist that you are comfortable around. If you have confidence in your artist you can minimize the pain a great deal.
3. Show up at the studio with sheer determination. You should accept the fact that the tattoo will take time. Quality work is an art – and should never be rushed.
4. If the pain becomes too much to bear, you should let your tattoo artist know immediately. He will allow you to take a break, or stop and come back later. You can always break up your sessions, as tattoos don’t need to be finished immediately.
5. To ease your mind, listen to music. This way, you can take your mind to a different place and focus on something other than the tattoo.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Picking Your Dream Design

Tattoos are very common these days, with nearly 1 in 4 people having at least one. Tattoos represent an art form, and allow people to broadcast who they are. Even though they are popular, most people will end up regretting them. In most cases, those who regret tattoos didn’t think about their design or take the time to choose the best tattoo for them. Even though it is possible to get a tattoo removed, the process is expensive and quite painful. To prevent this from happening, you should always take some time and find the perfect tattoo – your dream design.

Instead of trying to save some money, you should never choose a studio or artist based on how cheap they are. Cheaper artists and studios normally lack in work quality, which is why they are able to charge cheaper prices. Instead, you should look for the best studio and artist that you can find close to your area. Even though it may be expensive – the quality and design will be well worth it.

For some, their dream design is a person. This can be a loved one or someone who has passed on. You can always use a design or symbol that means something to you and reminds you of them or you can always use their face. Good tattoo artists can make magical tattoos with meaning, whether it is someone’s face or a symbol that brings out meaning.

Sometimes, it can be hard picking out your dream design. If you have an idea in mind but are still not sure what you want, you can always research. You can get tattoo books, theme books, magazines, or just research online. By looking at designs you may find something similar to what you are interested in. Once you have found it, all you need to do is sit down with your tattoo artists and come up with your dream tattoo design.

If you have a basic idea for something small in mind, you can always have it tattooed then come back later and have more added on. The best thing about tattoos is the fact that they can always be added to later. This can be a great thing if you want to try a smaller tattoo first, and then decide whether or not you want to get it bigger. If you start with a fraction of your dream design, you can always finish it up later on.

Whenever you get your dream tattoo you should always take time selecting the design. Tattoos will stay with you forever, which is why you should pick them carefully. If you put the necessary time and thought into it now, you won’t regret it later. Your dream design should be very important, and hold meaning. This way, every time you look at it – you’ll be reminded of that special moment in time and you’ll never forget about it.