Friday, September 18, 2009

Tattoo Removal Options

The removal of a tattoo is often thought of as being a very painful process. Although the process may have been very painful in the past, the technology of today offers methods of removing tattoos. Currently, there are two options to remove tattoos that are rapidly becoming more and more popular – laser technology and light based technology.

Both surgeries used light energy to destroy the ink in the tattoo. The ink in the tattoo will absorb the energy of the light, breaking it up. Once the ink starts to break up, it can easily be passed through and out of your body through filtering. In most cases this is extremely safe, as the ink is broken down into micro size to where it can easily pass through the body with no complications.

The process is actually similar to the surgery in which hair is removed. The surgeon or doctor who performs the surgery will hold a wand to the skin that is being treated. As he does this, the pulses of light are aimed at the tattoo, breaking up the ink. The wand is normally held right up against the tattoo, as this makes the pulses of light much more effective.

Normally, the feeling that you’ll experience is best described as an elastic or rubber band flicking constantly against your skin. If the tattoo is big, the pain could certainly be a bit more intense. The area where the tattoo is at is also important, as sensitive areas may cause you quite a bit of pain and discomfort. If the area in which you have the tattoo doesn’t have a lot of muscle or tissue, you’ll more than likely want to be numbed as much as possible before starting the procedure.

Both laser and light based treatments are somewhat similar. With both tattoo removal procedures, the doctor that is doing the procedure will always apply a cooling gel to the tattoo area that is being treated to cool the skin and conduct the energy of the light. This cooling gel helps to draw the light, and at the same time protect your skin. The gel will feel cool to the touch, although it will help your skin when the light pulses start to break the ink apart.

If you’ve been thinking about having a tattoo removed you should consider both light and laser based procedures. Keep in mind that they are both expensive, and both impose risks. Depending on how big your tattoo is and what the procedure involves, you may need to spend a night or two in the hospital. Even though both procedures do offer ways to have your tattoo removed, you’ll need to think long and hard before you make a final decision.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Girl Tattoos - Fun, Feminine, and Flirty

Until recently, women getting tattoos was unthinkable. If a girl did get a tattoo it was considered very taboo. Back then girl tattoos weren't equivalent to the feminine tattoos that we think of today.

Girl tattoos referred to pin up girls like Betty Boop who were common tattoo themes on sailors, bikers, and gang members. As tattoos have become more common place, girl tattoos designed specifically for women are on the rise. Nowadays, tattoos have many meanings and designs.

Common Girl Tattoos

Lots of tattoo designs are specific to girls. Girl tattoos often have a meaning. You can learn a lot about a girl's personality if you know what her tattoo means.

A common girl tattoo is the butterfly. One of the most popular designs, it has many meanings connected with it. Butterflies can be a sign of pleasant transformation. Butterflies are symbolic of freedom.

Flower designs are favorite girl tattoos as well. Flower tattoos often represent passion and happiness. Flower colors are symbolic too; red roses are equated with love and yellow flowers represent joy.

Lots of tattoos consist of a word or name. Getting her own name or a descriptive word tattoo is feminine and displays confidence. However, scripts that are too bold can detract from the femininity of the tattoo.

Location of Girl Tattoos

Girls often choose one of a few areas to place their tattoos. Usually these are the areas thought of as sexy and feminine. Common areas include: shoulder, lower back, hip and ankle. Despite these being the most common places, tattoos can be placed anywhere. Girl tattoos can also be found on the arm, wrist and stomach.

It used to be rare to find women with tattoos, but they are gaining in popularity as girls use them to express their femininity. Consequently, tattoos are no longer just for men.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Temporary Tattoos

This day and age, more and more people are deciding to get permanent tattoos, leaving their mark of choice on their skin. If the tattoo is applied by an experienced artist, the risk involved will be minimal. As sad as it is however, many people who get tattoos end up going to studios that use unsanitary equipment - resulting in infections or other serious problems.

Years ago, temporary tattoos were found in quarter machines, bubble gum wrappers, and even toy sections of the local store. Children loved to get these temporary tattoos, as they presented a way for children to have a tattoo - one that was completely safe and would wash off. Now days, even adults are beginning to think that this is the right idea. The temporary tattoos of today are no longer just for children, as most last a long time - making them perfect for adults.

The best thing about temporary tattoos, is the fact that they are indeed temporary. With temporary tattoos, you don’t have to worry about infections or unsanitary equipment, as there is no piercing of the skin involved. Temporary tattoos are safe, and remove easily with soap and water. This is very cost friendly as well - as permanent tattoos require surgery to remove.

If you have been thinking about getting a permanent tattoo, you should first give a temporary tattoo a try. Tattoos that are temporary provide an excellent way to test out designs, and see if a tattoo is right for you. If you don’t like it, all you have to do is wash it off. Then, you can purchase another one and see if you like it better. There are literally thousands of temporary tattoos out there, with designs that are sure to please everyone.

If you decide to get a permanent tattoo instead, you are pretty much stuck with it. To get rid of a permanent tattoo, you’ll need to have it surgically removed, which can cost you thousands of dollars. You’ll also face the risk of infection, along with a permanent scar. Permanent tattoos are great though - providing you are happy with the tattoo.

In most cases, temporary tattoos look just like a permanent tattoo. To use them, simply lick the tattoo or use water and apply to your skin. When you have it where you want it, simply apply pressure for a few seconds. They are easy to apply, and last until you wash them off. If you decide to get a longer lasting temporary tattoo, it will last for a longer period of time. This way, you can decide if a permanent tattoo is going to be worth the investment.

You can find temporary tattoos in local stores or on the Internet. They are very affordable as well, even cheaper if you buy them in bulk. Tattoo artists also sell them, and normally have a large selection on hand. This way, you can look through the available selections and find the tattoo that best fits your style.

All in all, temporary tattoos are easier to apply than permanent tattoos and they pose no risk to your skin or your health. Those that are afraid of needles tend to like them as well, as they give you the chance to have a tattoo without going under the needle. Before you rush out and get a tattoo, you should instead give permanent tattoos a try. They won’t cost you a lot of money - yet they will give you the chance to see how you look with a tattoo - and decide if a permanent tattoo is really something you want.